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Roland DWX-52D 5-Axis Dental Milling Machine

Srbija, Beograd grad, Barajevo
Objavljeno 1 godinu pre
ID #48507
1 fotografija
9 000 €
Stanje: Novo / Nekorišćeno
Tip oglasa: Prodaja
Roland DWX-52D 5-Axis Dental Milling Machine
Srbija, Beograd grad, Barajevo,
Objavljeno 1 godinu pre

Opis oglasa

The next generation of the industry’s best-selling dental mill has kept everything users love, and then made it even better. Reliable, precise and affordable, the DWX-52D 5-Axis Dental Milling Machine now offers better disc handling, more material capabilities, improved tool management and other enhanced features, to deliver even more efficiency.

New Medical Electronic and ophthalmic device for hospital

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Store Website: https://www.latief-alhakim.com
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    Registrovan/a 10. May 2023
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    9 000 €

    Podaci o Oglašivaču

    Pravno lice
    Registrovan/a 10.05.2023.

    Lokacija oglasa

    Srbija, Beograd grad, Barajevo